Evil struck again yesterday. Some loser desperate for his own Wikipedia page shot a bunch of innocent students at Umpqua Community College yesterday, before being smoked (but not soon enough) by the local constabulary.
I’m not going to editorialize. I will never mention the name of the shooter – or any mass shooter – publicly. I’m not going to profane the deaths of the victims by talking about gun rights or gun control here. Anyone who reads this blog knows my politics anyway.
Instead, I’m going to point out the obvious: there are no safe places. The government is incapable of making you safe. That is your responsibility.
Crazy doesn’t wear a sign, or if he does, too many people ignore it. There are no places with warnings posted, “Here there be dragons,” so that we can avoid them.
Me, I’m going to avoid the places that insist on making my safety the responsibility of someone else, even if that someone else carries a gun and a badge.
And if, God forbid, I am ever in one of those places and some disenfranchised loser decides to make himself famous by murdering innocents…
… all my bullet holes are going to be in the front.
If he kills me, they’ll find my body facing my attacker, and his blood and tissue under my fingernails. I’m going to pull a Chris Mintz, and if I die trying, I will do my damnedest to slide into Valhalla on the blood of my killer.
As Tamara so aptly put it, “I ain’t going out like that.”
I’m fighting back.
And you should, too.