Sean Eddy is the blogger behind Medic Madness and Droid Medic, the resource for all the best Android-based EMS apps on the intarwebz. He's a little late in joining the Kilted to Kick Cancer fundraising team, but he's got a good excuse; he moved to Texas on September 1.
Welcome to free America, Sean!
He's a medic, a programmer, a blogger, a shooter and Second Amendment advocate, and a proud new resident of the great state of Texas. You can support his fundraising efforts for the Prostate Cancer Foundation here. Drop by his blog and let him you know you appreciate what he's doing, and drop a few bucks in the kitty for cancer research while you're there. If even 20 of you donated $5 each, that's $100 toward a very worthy cause.
He's Sean Eddy of Medic Madness, and he's Kilted to Kick Cancer.