Not long after I started blogging, I discovered SnarkyBytes. The guy that wrote it was witty, acerbic, sarcastic, and sometimes just plain damned funny. I met him in person the first time at Phlegmmy's Dallas blogmeet in 2009, when he pulled up behind me as I punched in the security passcode to Phlegmmy's gated apartment complex.
"You're Alan, the guy that writes SnarkyBytes," I told him as I shook his hand. "I read your blog all the time. Pleased to meet you."
At first I thought it shocked him that I knew who he was, but after I got to know him better, I realized it was because I invaded his personal space to introduce myself. Much like Somalia's definition of territorial waters, Alan's personal space extends 200 nautical miles in all directions. His friends joke that he's the most antisocial man in social media. In fact, if they ever come up with antisocial media, Alan would be the first blogger to refuse to adopt it, thus becoming the de facto King of Antisocial Media.
And his royal motto would be, "Front toward enemy."
Don't let that disarming smile fool you, folks. Right now, he's investing his money in canned food and weapons, and when the Zombo Apocalypse happens, he'll be safely encsonced in his fortified bunker in Secret Location, Idaho, sneering, "I told you so," as he takes down the shambling undead with head shots at 500 yards with his National Match AR15. I'm just happy to be one of the few friends he trusts with the password to get inside his perimeter of Claymores.
He's a shooter and Second Amendment advocate, an IT professional, HAM radio operator, erstwhile hog hunter, and all around good guy, and you can support his fundraising efforts for the Prostate Cancer Foundation here, and LiveStrong here. Drop by his blog and tell him you support what he's doing, and drop a few bucks in the hat for cancer research while you're there. If even 20 people who read this donate only $5 each, that's $100 toward a very worthy cause. Every little bit helps.
He's Alan Andrews of SnarkyBytes, and he's Kilted to Kick Cancer.