Okay folks, with little more than a week to go, we've raised $3512 in donations to Prostate Cancer Foundation and LiveStrong through the trackable donation links, with untold more dollars made directly to those organizations. I couldn't be happier with the way this is turning out, and I'd like to thank everyone who has donated and all the bloggers who accepted the challenge. This is the last update I'm going to post before the final standings on October 3rd, so here they are, as of September 23rd:
- A Day In The Life Of An Ambulance Driver: $875
- Gun Nuts Media: $855
- MArooned: $370
- New Life Changes: $325
- A Look At EMS From 120 Feet Below: $302
- Atomic Nerds: $150
- Nobody Asked Me: $145
- Reactuate: $100
- Husband In Law: $90
- Snarkybytes: $80
- I Am McThag: $45
- I Aim To Misbehave: $45
- Evyl Robot Soapbox: $35
- Better and Better: $20
As you can see, I'm hanging onto the top spot by the skin of my teeth, and am likely to get spanked by Gun Nuts Media by the time all this is over. Caleb has managed to nearly match my 23 day total in a little over 72 hours, and he has made a pretty darned generous offer if his readers put him over the top. If he wins, and wins big, Kilted to Kick Cancer may even double its fundraising total by the time he finishes his 2012 match season.
So if you haven't picked a blogger to support yet, pick one. Pick me, pick Caleb, pick anybody.
Just donate.