Kilted to Kick Cancer Spotlight: No Lawyers, Only Guns and Money

John Richardson of No Lawyers, Only Guns and Money is a prolific blogger who posts, as the blog name would suggest, about economics, personal finances and gun rights, with a fair bit of political opinion. Aside from the uncommon good taste to name his blog after a line from a Warren Zevon song, he was also quick to accept the Kilted to Kick Cancer fundraising challenge. Like a number of the bloggers who have participated in this campaign, prostate cancer has touched someone in his life; he lost his father-in-law to prostate cancer in 2002.


He's a financial planner, a shooter and a passionate Second Amendment advocate. You can support his fundraising efforts for the Prostate Cancer Foundation here. Drop by his blog and tell him you support what he's doing, and drop a few bucks in the hat for cancer research while you're there. If even 20 people who read this donate only $5 each, we'd be $100 toward a very worthy cause. Every little bit helps.

He's John Richardson of No Lawyers, Only Guns and Money, and he's Kilted to Kick Cancer.

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