Let’s Talk About What’s Under My Kilt


September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

Last year, in response to a challenge from Epijunky, a bunch of us EMS bloggers changed our blog background pink for the month of October in support of breast cancer awareness. Typically, Happy Medic was one of the first to lend his support to a good cause.

And just as typically, TOWTYTR was quick to point out something we hadn't considered; that prostate cancer kills as many men as breast cancer kills women, yet none of us EMS bloggers were raising awareness for that, and why not? Just how prevalent is prostate cancer? Well, here are the facts:

  • Approximately 241,000 men will be diagnosed in 2011
  • Prostate cancer affects 1 in 6 men
  • Over 33,000 of us will die this year from prostate cancer.
  • It is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in men, second only to lung cancer

Fast forward a year, a friend and fellow EMS blogger Hybridmedic is diagnosed with testicular cancer and chronicles his treatment on his blog, and Happy and his compatriot Motorcop announced their awareness campaign for male-specific cancers, Kilted to Kick Cancer.

I must admit, the name has a certain ring to it, though I'm disappointed they didn't choose my ideas, "Operation Dangle" or "Hey Doc, you usin' the whole hand?"

Besides practicing good prostate health, participants in Kilted to Kick Cancer are going to wear kilts for the entire month of September. Every moment we're not on duty and required to be in uniform, we're going to be wearing kilts, and use the inevitable questions to segue into talking about male-specific cancers. So, starting September 1, it's all kilted, all the time.

Yes, that also means that I'll be delivering my lectures at EMS World Expo wearing a kilt. Shopping in a kilt. Picking up KatyBeth from school in a kilt. Eating at restaurants in a kilt. Going to the Hollywood Nights party in Vegas in a kilt. Fishing in a kilt. Going to the gun range with Husband In Law in a kilt (and browbeating HIL to go kilted, too). Recording the EMS Newbie podcast live from EMS World Expo in a kilt…

… although that's more clothing than I usually wear when I record EMS Newbie. For those of you who shudder at that mental image, I offer you this:


And along the way, I'll be snapping pics and postng them here on the blog. If it only convinces a few men to stop putting off their prostate cancer screening exams, it'll be worth it, but I plan to do more than that.

I'm going to raise money AND awareness.

I'm issuing a challenge to any and all EMS and gun bloggers who read my semi-amusing little scribblings here on this blog. Participate in Kilted to Kick Cancer, post photos of yourself wearing a kilt on your blog, and raise money for testicular and prostate cancer research. The blogger who raises the most money between September 1 and October 1 wins a nice prize package of shooting and outdoor gear.

Keep an eye on the Kilted To Kick Cancer page here on this blog for the contest rules to be posted in the coming week, and how to get your unqiue badges to track donations through your blogs. The designated charities are the Prostate Cancer Foundation and LiveStrong, and 100% of donations go directly to those organizations. As prizes are donated, I'll post those, too. Currently, we've got roughly $500 worth of services and merchandise committed, with more on the way.

So get your kilts, and get ready. September 1 is barely two weeks away!

In the meantime, I need to find a sporran that can accomodate a pistol holster…


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