… I urge you, vote your conscience.
If that means you vote for someone other than myself, so be it.
But first, allow me to say a few words about Lieutenant Michael Morse and Rescuing Providence, my nearest competitor in the balloting.
Michael is one of the most talented, if not the most talented EMS writers out there. He writes with depth, and feeling, and an authentic sense of EMS on the streets. His blog is as real as it gets.
He’s also an award-winning EMS essayist.
His storytelling is so vivid and emotionally evocative, it leaves his readers feeling as if they had experienced the call themselves.
In fact, he’s so gosh-darned earnest and heartfelt, I can’t believe he’s a real firefighter/EMT. A real EMT or firefighter would drop an F bomb now and then, or do something to earn our disapproval. In fact, I have it on pretty good authority that his blog is actually ghostwritten by Deepak Chopra.
Plus, he sports the most shameful excuse for a moustache to be found on any firefighter, anywhere. Heck, it’s worse than mine, and that’s saying something. The only pics I can find of him on the web are of such low resolution that I can’t positively verify the presence of any follicular growth, so what I’m seeing may be nothing more than a chocolate milk moustache from breakfast.
And that’s just shameful.
I mean sure, Lt. Morse is sensitive and caring, and that’s what we all want in an EMT, but do you really want to vote for the guy whose medic school classmates voted “most likely to start singing ‘Feelings’ in the middle of a resuscitation?”
I’m not sayin’… I’m just sayin’.
Vote your conscience.
(P.S. I’ve got cookies for my voters!)