Life Imitates Art…

…which imitates life, which in turns rips off stories from some guy named Ambulance Driver.

I’ve just had my Major Caudill moment, although mine wasn’t as traumatic as Marko having one of his better essays ripped off and passed around teh Intarwebz and attributed to someone else.

Actually, I found mine rather funny.

I was going through some conference evaluations that arrived in the mail today. Inside were the usual mix; 90% excellent evaluations, some beefs with the venue’s sound system and climate control, a smattering of people who obviously wandered into the wrong session or didn’t bother to read the description in the program, the usual five percent or so that think I have a potty mouth, and ten or so that reminded me that my closing keynote speech should never run fifteen minutes long, especially since it was the last session of the day and there was, you know, beer to be drunk.

Nestled among the evaluations was this gem:

What a load of BS. The guy just told a bunch of stories straight off an internet site like they had actually happened to him.


Aside from the popular jellyfish story – which I identified as a possible internet hoax – all the personal anecdotes I shared were either straight from my book or this blog. They have appeared nowhere else.

That means, as far as I can tell, that the fellow I’m accused of plagiarizing so blatantly is…me.

For some reason, that just tickles the shit out of me.

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